Non-biting flies are an important pest group because they are not only a nuisance pest, but they are also an important factor in the transmission of diseases. Flies feed on a variety of food materials, but they will develop in either fermenting or decaying organic matter. There are more than 120,000 species of flies ranging in size from 1/20th
of an inch to well over 3” long. Flies do not have teeth or a stinger, but they thrust a needle like hook into their victims and inject a digestive juice that breaks down the cell thus causing the irritation. They are attracted to warm moist substances from animal feces to human food and garbage, and they will spread at least 65 human pathogens from typhoid fever, diarrhea, tuberculosis, salmonellosis and cholera. Their favorite breeding areas are garbage cans; compost heaps, pet feed and pet elimination areas.
Non-biting flies are an important pest group because they are not only a nuisance pest, but they are also an important factor in the transmission of diseases. Flies feed on a variety of food materials, but they will develop in either fermenting or decaying organic matter. There are more than 120,000 species of flies ranging in size from 1/20th
of an inch to well over 3” long. Flies do not have teeth or a stinger, but they thrust a needle like hook into their victims and inject a digestive juice that breaks down the cell thus causing the irritation. They are attracted to warm moist substances from animal feces to human food and garbage, and they will spread at least 65 human pathogens from typhoid fever, diarrhea, tuberculosis, salmonellosis and cholera. Their favorite breeding areas are garbage cans; compost heaps, pet feed and pet elimination areas.

Fruit Fly - The fruit fly is tan with a light abdomen, it has six legs and its shape is oval; it is about a 1/8th of an inch, has antennas and flies.

House Fly - The house fly gets its name because they are the most common fly around homes. Adult flies will grow to ¼ of an inch and can live between 15 and 25 days.
They are dark grey, have six legs, oval in shape and have antennas and of course fly.
They can only feed on liquids, but they have the ability to turn any solid food into a liquid for their consumption. House flies stay within 1-2 miles of where they were born, but they have been known to migrate up to 20 miles to find food. They have been known to carry up to 100 different kinds of disease-causing germs, which makes House flies very bad house guests.
They are dark grey, have six legs, oval in shape and have antennas and of course fly.
They can only feed on liquids, but they have the ability to turn any solid food into a liquid for their consumption. House flies stay within 1-2 miles of where they were born, but they have been known to migrate up to 20 miles to find food. They have been known to carry up to 100 different kinds of disease-causing germs, which makes House flies very bad house guests.